1. How do we know if this film will meet our expectations?
From watching the trailer, the film appears to have a good balance of romance, sadness, and humor. While one of the characters appears to be in a life threatening situation, the trailer also shows happy and romantic scenes to make the movie look less depressing. Overall, The Fault In Our Stars looks well-made.
3. What meaning are you getting from the clip?
Hazel knows that someday her disease will kill her, referring to herself as a "grenade" that will eventually go off and she doesn't want to hurt all of the people who love her by dying. She pushes Gus away and doesn't want him to love her no matter how much she loves him because she doesn't want to hurt him.
4. How is that meaning created?
The movie centers around her disease affecting their relationship, so it's obvious that the "grenade" refers to her dying from the disease. Hazel says that it's her responsibility to keep people away from her to protect them. She says that she likes him and likes hanging out with him but she doesn't want to hurt him.